Online Therapy

Let’s face it: Our lives are BUSY.

Between work, school, family, chores, commuting… where can you fit in therapy?

You value therapy and want to work on yourself, but maybe it’s not realistic to fit another thing that takes 2-3 hours of your time into your schedule.

Maybe you have tried it before but got tired of arriving late and frazzled to your appointments, so you just gave up.

And the commute… in rush hour… the horror! Who wants to deal with that???

I’ve been there. I get it.

It’s an easy, convenient, awesome alternative to meeting in person.

That’s why I offer online therapy. It just makes sense…

Sessions are flexible and fit into your lifestyle.

Maybe an ideal time for a therapy session is your lunch break, but you can only really take an hour out of your day. Maybe your child’s school is closed, and you can’t leave the house – but it would be great to fit therapy in while they nap in the afternoon. Your work may require you to travel a lot, and it just isn’t feasible to commit to a regular in-person therapy appointment. Online therapy is a great alternative to enable you to work toward your goals with your lifestyle and circumstances in mind.

It’s comfortable!

Instead of worrying whether you’ll make it on time or what the heck to wear, you can do therapy comfortably from home, on your lunch break, or even in your sweats with your hair in a bun on your comfy bed.

Geography is no longer a barrier…

You’ve done your research and found an amazing therapist. She seems like the perfect fit – qualified to help with exactly what you want to work on. She’s also warm and funny. Finally… so exciting!!

But just as you pick up the phone to call for an appointment, you realize her office is 50 miles away… or a 100 or 200. Womp, womp, womp. Are you supposed to just give up on working with the right person due to distance? Of course not. We live in the digital age, after all.

Online therapy eliminates physical distance as long as we live in the same state: New York!

“So, all that sounds great, but…”

Won’t it be weird to talk to a therapist online?

Truthfully… maybe… a bit… at first. But isn’t that true for in-person meetings as well? Any new situation will feel a bit uncomfortable at first. Most people haven’t done online therapy. So it’s new.

But to put your mind at ease, I will say this: if you just try it, you will see how the pros far outweigh the cons. Most of my clients who only used to see me in person are now fierce advocates for online therapy and want to continue online indefinitely!

But my free 20-minute consultation is a great way to check out the telehealth platform we will use, get a feel for how a session looks and feels, and get the jitters out of the way. I promise… you won’t even remember we’re online after just a few minutes into our conversation.

Is it as effective as traditional in-person therapy?

For therapy to be effective, we need to establish a strong connection, have privacy, and regular appointments. Therapy works best over time. The only way that happens is if you can fit appointments into your life consistently, and it is not too big a sacrifice. Online therapy eliminates a lot of the obstacles from being able to attend therapy sessions, and it provides the same level of connection and process as in-person sessions can.

Some things to keep in mind with successful online therapy…

You will need reliable Wi-Fi or data coverage and a good signal. When screens freeze or the call drops, it disrupts the session’s flow and quickly becomes frustrating.

Privacy is key. Whether it’s your room, the basement, the backyard, your car, the park, your office, or the bathtub (Kidding! Mostly…), make sure you have the privacy you need to talk freely and without anyone barging in on you. Pets are the exception. As long as they are not distracting you, they are always welcome!

Stay flexible. Despite our best efforts, sometimes technology is finicky. We will pivot quickly and use a different platform or the phone if we need to.

Let’s connect with the help of technology!

Not so bad, right?

Let’s embrace technology and use it to our advantage. Therapy can be very effective and enjoyable via an easy-to-use telehealth platform and can fit seamlessly into your schedule. You will get the hang of it in no time, and you may never want to go back to a therapy office!

Don’t give up on investing in yourself. Reach out for your free 20-minute consultation and let’s talk! Call me at (914) 888-6413 or email